Sunday, March 29, 2009

Tilt Press @ Poets House!

Tilt Press has been invited by Poets House to contribute to their annual showcase, which is being held this year from 4/4 - 4/11! We are very excited about the opportunity to share in this wonderful poetry collaboration. After the showcase, all donated Tilt Press chapbooks will have a permanent home at the Poets House Library at their new home in Battery Park City.

Literary Bohemian reviews In the Voice of a Minor Saint

Vagabond Book Reviews, hosted by Literary Bohemian, has reviewed Sarah J. Sloat's chapbook, In the Voice of a Minor Saint.

An excerpt from the review:

Sarah J. Sloat’s poems draw an unwavering line from the religious to the secular; we see the devil in the details.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

a / long / division, hanna andrews

a / long / division by Hanna Andrews is now available through the Tilt Press website for $8.00 + free shipping!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

In the Voice of a Minor Saint by Sarah J. Sloat - now available!

Tilt Press is excited to announce that Sarah Sloat's chapbook, In the Voice of a Minor Saint is now available through our catalog.

Also, don't forget about our five chapbook subscription sale which will end in the summer of 2009.

All orders placed this week will be shipped on Thursday, January 15, 2009.